For Patients

What Kind of Cosmetic Dentistry Is Appropriate for My Teen?

What Kind of Cosmetic Dentistry Is Appropriate for My Teen?

Teenage years can be tough. Many teens struggle with their self-confidence, and a lot of the issues can simply stem from the way they look.

While we at WestSide Dental Studio believe teaching teens that they are perfect just the way they are is essential to fostering self-confidence. However, if they are dealing with some dental issues that are affecting their appearance, there are several different ways to improve their smile and make sure their teeth are also healthy.

Here are a few cosmetic dental procedures appropriate for your teenager:

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a non-invasive procedure that can change the appearance of a tooth in just one sitting. The process involves taking a resin material and applying it to the natural tooth. The material is then shaped to achieve the desired look and hardened with a special light.

With dental bonding, the dentist doesn’t have to shave or change the structure of the natural tooth at all. It’s a popular way to address gaps in the teeth that affect the teen’s appearance or change the shape or size of a tooth.


While dental bonding is a great way to improve your teen’s smile, if they are struggling with bigger issues, they might get a better experience with veneers.

These are essentially custom-made shells that will cover the front of the teen’s natural teeth, and instantly change and improve how their smile looks. It’s a great choice if your teen has multiple gaps between their teeth or even is dealing with misshapen or chipped ones.

To get veneers, the dentist will have to gently shave the surface layer of the tooth to create a rougher texture, so the veneers can be fixed on top. The dentist will take a mold of the teen’s mouth and create the veneers with the desired look, color, and tooth size they want.

Teeth Whitening

If your teen just has tooth staining, discoloration, or simply wants a lighter, brighter shade for their smile, then teeth whitening is their best option!

Unlike over-the-counter solutions, professional ones have a higher whitening agent concentration that can improve the appearance of the teeth safely. There are both in-office and at-home kits to choose from, depending on which is preferable or suitable for your teen, but your dentist can help you make the best decision.

Bring Your Teen to WestSide Dental Studio

Your teen cares a lot about their appearance, and so do we. so we’re here to help them get the smile of their dreams, with the best cosmetic dentistry procedures that will boost their self-confidence. At WestSide Dental Studio, your teen can finally have the happy and healthy smile they deserve!

If you want to learn more about our procedure, we encourage you to book an appointment with Dr. Chelsea Dean today or call us at (775) 686-6029 directly for a chat.

What Kind of Cosmetic Dentistry Is Appropriate for My Teen?

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